If you are interested in buying, selling and owning land, you probably spend a lot of time on various websites and blogs. I find myself doing just that a couple of hours a day. The following are ones that I find myself going back to over and over. I have also added blogs and websites about Texas that I especially enjoy.
Texas LandOwners Association
This website is organized for Texas Landowners but anyone can join. The content consists of a blog, a YouTube section and a resource page. The topics are wide ranging and span the range of Texas rural land. It is one of the best of its kind. I highly recommend it.
Rural Land Near Houston Blog
If you are interested in the buying, selling or ownership of rural land and the country lifestyle within 100 miles of Houston then this is the blog for you. It is an overall guide I have designed primarily to introduce beginners to the journey of owing their own piece of Texas. I named it Texas is a State of Mind.
Land ID
Formerly Mapquest, this website is the go to standard for real estate professionals. Practically speaking, all aspects of map construction, comparable sales research, ad valorem data and much more. Land ID is a must for land brokers and appraisers and some packages have a monthly low enough for the public to afford. I recommend a subscription to all of my clients.
Texas Agriculture Law Blog
Tiffany Lashmet, Agriculture Law Specialist, writes a blog for the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service which is generally considered the e4 to source for commentary and updates on agriculture law in Texas. She frequently travels throughout Texas speaking at various meetings and conferences on issues affecting Texas landowners.
Land Broker Co-op
This is a cooperative owned by licensed real estate agents, brokers, lenders, and appraisers who specialize in rural property. It features nationwide land listings, a magazine, property alerts, insurance, list of lenders, a resource page and a blog. Land Broker Co-op members receive discounts from Landhub another national listing service.
Texas Listing Service
This listing service is aimed primarily at rural property, both land and homes in South Central Texas. It is very well designed and easy to use. The membership fees are very reasonable. I use the comparable sales feature regularly. There is a find an agent feature. The staff quickly answers any questions.
Quailpro, LLC
This website/blog belongs to Jim Mullen, well known wildlife consultant and and ranch broker in South Texas. He is the author of Finding, Buying and Developing a South Texas Ranch. This book is one of the best guides I have run across. He lays out a step by step process for the individual who wants to have a successful hunting ranch in the South Texas brush country.
Lands of Texas
Lands of Texas features a comprehensive coverage of rural property listings throughout Texas to include land, farms, ranches, recreational properties and country estates. They publish Texas Land an upscale magazine quarterly. It is an extensive website providing information about rural land agents, comparable sales, and a monthly analysis of traffic to each individual agent’s listings.
Land Watch
LandWatch is owned by land.com just as is Lands of Texas. A listing on one will end up on the other. It features listing of all types of rural property. Additionally, they provide information about international property and also land auctions. Agents can advertise on the website and a feature makes finding agents quite easy.
Land Flip
This is a land marketing platform network of listing sites to include landflip, farmflip, ranchflip, lotflip, auctionflip and commercialflip. They maintain landthink an extensive blog. They conduct an email network through which they market their listings. They also feature information about auctions, property for lease and for sale by owners.
LandHub is a rural property listing service with a national outreach. It features a blog and buyer’s profiles. They market aggressively across social media and by using email lists. They network with the Realtors Land Institute and the Land Broker Co-op. I use them often and have found their technical support to be impressive.
Rethink : Rural
This is one of the most comprehensive blogs on the rural lifestyle I have run across. Topics range from what kind of ATV to buy to garden prep, from how to build a pond and from financing property to how many acres you need to raise cattle. Content includes property listings, a blog and an index of rural property specialists.
Rural Only
Rural Only is a property listing site which does not include property within city limit. There are no featured property or display ads in order to make the site navigation very easy for users.
Landgate is a listing service and blog which includes information about land, solar, wind, carbon, oil & gas, minerals and water. The focus is on the exchange and valuation of energy and environmental resources. A glossary of terms is included. The platform includes an online market place.
Solar Energy Industries Association
Solar farms are a popular use for rural land but they may or may not suit your needs. I have included this website because of its resource list and also the directory of companies in the solar farm industry.
Texas Oil and gas attorney blogs
This is a blog produced by Aimee Hess a Texas based attorney who specializes in oil and gas. I have not had an occasion to work with Ms Hess accordingly I am not endorsing her. However, her posts are excellent and I think you will enjoy them.
Texas Rural Water Association
This group is heavily involved in Texas rural water resources and especially rural water districts. The site includes a blog with primarily political and legal developments.
Texas Bob
This one of my favorite websites about Texas. It is wide ranging and entertaining. Much of the material I use for my website and blog comes from Texas Bob.
Frontier Times Magazine
This website is essentially a database for genealogy and historical research of individuals. It contains an enormous amount of information.
I liked these sites enough to add them to the resource page on my website. It is fun to read about land but even better is going out to see some. Give us a call and let’s get started.
Let Us Hear From You
I hope this list will be useful to you. Share your experiences with the above websites. Websites come and go and I would like to stay current. I constantly update this post. Let me know about any of your favorite sites I may have missed.
Allen Realty Advisors represents buyers and sellers of fine quality rural land near Houston. We specialize in weekend retreats, country estates, farms and ranches, recreational property and investment land. Our market area is generally within 100 miles (two hours) of Houston.

We are members of the RLI
We support the 4H and FFA

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