Albert grew up in a South Texas ranching family, graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in Land Economics and served as an officer in the US Army. He is a 5th generation Texan whose ancestors fought in the battle of San Jacinto. He has been involved in the appraisal, buying, selling and brokerage of real estate (particularly rural property) all of his adult life.
Albert formed Allen, Williford & Seale (AWS) which eventually became the largest independent appraisal firm specializing in right of way valuation and litigation support in the nation. In 2015, Albert sold his interest in AWS and joined his wife Debra in forming Allen Realty Advisors. They are active in the brokerage of fine quality rural land near Houston.
Albert is a member of the Realtor Land Institute (RLI), Texas Land Brokers Network (TLBN), Texas Alliance of Land Brokers (TALB), and the International Right of Way Association (IRWA). He is a licensed real estate Broker in the State of Texas. He holds the ALC (Accredited Land Consultant) designation. He is a past president of the Realtors Land Institute (RLI) Texas Chapter.
Albert is a past board member of the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) and a past International President of the IRWA. While an appraiser, he held the CRE (Counselor of Real Estate), MAI (Appraisal Institute) and SR/WA (Right of Way) designations.
Albert is uniquely qualified to assist buyers and sellers with high end rural properties in Texas.
Texas Law requires that we provide the Texas Real Estate Commission Information About Brokerage Services (IABS) and the Consumer Protection Notice to all prospective clients